LOVE’S REVOLUTION is an enthralling writing collection by Darren Austin Hall, visionary and spiritual teacher, which offers a captivating and provocative exploration of the burgeoning realm of sacred sexuality and the revisioning of intimate relationships as pathways of conscious partnership and embodied mysticism. Through beloved ecstatic poetry, thought-provoking essays and paradigm-shifting short stories, we are welcomed into a genre Darren calls spiritual-erotica where the ancient truths of sexual alchemical traditions dovetail with modern yearnings for more depth in love, as well as exploring the anguished awakenings of heart-break and the challenge of sublimating lust into numinous love. Darren also hones in on healing some of the ancient religious wounds of Christianity and Catholicism, steeped in patriarchal mores and disembodiment complexes, in his retelling of the Garden of Eden story with Eve as heroic tantrika seeking serpent wisdom and a titillating tale of Jesus & Mary Magdalene in a passionate embrace as teachers of sacred sexual arts. As Darren affirms, we are in the midst of a revolution of love and sexuality and one that has profound potential to help lay a foundation for a whole new culture based on the sacredness of pleasure and the healing of our most ancient sufferings.
This has truly been one of the great masterworks of my life; one of the most inspired expressions I have ever put forth in the world. Spiritual education is one of the greatest passions of mine for it is about cultivating the essence of what makes us and the world, even the universe. HONOUR ALL CREATION ∞ A NEW EARTH JOURNEY represents a profound multi-dynamic learning experience that will inspire and embolden you on many different dimensions and a deep contribution to the spiritual education of our species.
Years in the making and a collaborative effort with many wondrous souls, I feel strongly that it will be a cornerstone to help us shift into right relations with Mother Earth, the Living Goddess of Wisdom and one of our primary teachers, as well as enthusing our collective healing and transformation as we vault into a new evolutionary stage.
The ancient Mystery Schools were so devoted to such higher learning and this program represents a harkening to those times of old when holistic, multi-dimensional approaches to our evolution were foundational to churn the many aspects of our divine humanity.
As you grow through these 22 chapters, Wisdom Teachings amassed in over 250 hours of video content will take you through multifarious topics that will render a powerful soul pathway that is intimately tied to the Earth and the levelling up of our co-creative powers in Unity Consciousness to help support this Holy Shift as humanity strides forward to foster an Age of Enlightenment, based on groundedness with the ecology of Gaia as well as star-soaring heights of cosmic dimensionality.
Your soul will be moved by the 22 song prayers and sonic activations of the double-album HONOUR ALL CREATION that was the initial seed for this learning nexus. Each song is given a container for intentional, deep listening, dove-tailing with the theme of each chapter.
Spiritual practices will invoke the livingness of truth through experience so that the evolution and transformational pathway becomes embodied. And, finally, the furthering links will greatly elaborate the teachings, offering myriad branches of continued education for those who want to dive in deepest.
my new double-album, 'Honour All Creation', is a mystic-music odyssey of prayer songs, sound journeys & spiritual odes devoted to humanity's empowerment and aligning to the wisdom of Mother Earth. THESE 22 SONGS ARE ANTHEMS INSPIRING A SENSE OF THE NEW EARTH MYTHOLOGY: A NEW WAY OF BEING FOR HUMANITY, IN REVERENCE TO GODDESS AND THE VIRTUE OF OUR ESSENCE. It is available now on Spotify, Bandcamp and other digital platforms with the earth & sky albums. I have also been creating many music videos to accompany the beauty of the album which you can listen over at my youtube channel at the ‘Honour All Creation Playlist’.
quantum physics & ancient wisdom affirm
Everything is made of energy, and at the cellular level, we humans (along with everything else) operate vibrationally. The ancients called this unifying subtle energy SPIRIT. We live in an unprecedented age of convergence between science & mysticism; the dawning of a new paradigm of universal truth, scientifically and spiritually inspired. Prophecies the world over have portended this age and it is our birthright to be co-creators of a possible new world of beauty and truth.
As we awaken to the vibrational essence of reality and its multidimensionality, we are learning (or rediscovering) sound and music can offer profound healing and transformation physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. Moreover, our thoughts, feelings and intentions also radiate vibrational-energetic power; we are beings of energy, tousled relentlessly with the fabric of the universe. We are awakening to whole new possibilities on how to live in a universe of profound mystery and beauty.
As a multi-dimensional musician, I was gifted as a child with the ability to channel music, song, and word; travelling with sound and vibration into diverse dimensions of reality. I have cultivated this gift ardently to offer music of sacred intention to inspire multidimensional awareness and deep healing. As a spiritual educator and facilitator of many ecstatic arts, I offer myself in service of this grand enlightenment of global culture which many are uplifting. Devoted to eco-spiritual, indigenous wisdom and the path of Tantra, I honour the Earth and the remembering of Her glory of which we are part. As a visionary, writer & poet, I share my love of spiritual wisdom with the world, devoted to empowering humanity in a time of great shift.
Welcome to the re-enchantment of the world…

from sound therapy & shaking medicine to waking the world
Darren's breadth of work extends beyond his trainings in ancient Chinese Medicine and his mentorships with indigenous elders; he's entwined a love for music with healing modalities that can have radiating effects on a person's life. With crystal singing bowls and his shamanic singing as his cornerstone, he integrates these masterful and healing vibrations into several types of experiences. Darren is also a visionary teacher helping to restore a foundation of ancient wisdom in the world, paired with innovative ideas and inspiring facilitation to help us evolve. He teaches modules and trainings in a diversity of pioneering healing fields such as sound healing, sacred sexuality, conscious masculinity, the spiritual path and ancient Earth wisdom. His ultimate aim is to serve the leap into a possible new age of enlightenment and the fulfillment of ancient prophecy to create a world of unity and great peace.
private sound healing sessions
Darren offers one-on-one sound healing sessions that integrate a diversity of modalities that foster deep healing states of relaxation and harmonic resonance. The incredible and healing tones of Crystal Singing Bowls bring our life-energies into balance while tuning fork therapies offer a kind of 'sound acupuncture' as they are placed on powerful energetic sites on the body for positive effect. Darren also offers spiritual guidance to navigate life's challenges and integrate teachings and shamanic elements to restore a sense of wholeness to one's self and life. The tones of Crystal Bowls and the power of Tuning Forks are scientifically proven to put us into states of homeostasis where our natural healing abilities are activated.
group Soundbaths with Crystal Singing Bowls & Sacred Music Concerts
Darren has toured the world sharing his acclaimed sacred music concerts and celestial soundbaths for groups. Soundbaths are deep experiences of the healing power of sound with crystal bowls, shamanic singing and other salving instrumentation. Darren often guides mystical meditations and vocal toning exercises. Sacred music concerts incorporate more of his song compositions found on his albums as well as song-channelings, inspiring storytelling, spoken word poetry and spiritual teachings to create a powerful, immersive event. He performs a diversity of world and ancient instruments including Indian tanpura, the ancient monochord, mystical guitar, lyre-harp and more. They always conclude with a crystal bowl soundbath.
Workshops, Courses & source resonance training//75hr certification
Darren teaches a dynamic diversity of workshops and courses drawing from his years of study of many healing traditions and mentorships with spiritual teachers and indigenous elders. He is a leading expert in the realm of Sound Healing, offering one-off workshops as well as weekend intensives and his 75HR Source Resonance Certificate Training. Some of this other workshops include:
- Heroic Consciousness: A Journey Through the 4 Archetypes of Masculine Empowerment
- Love's Revolution: Sacred Sexuality & the Divine Path of Romance
- Living the by the Heart
- Shaking Medicine sessions + The Big Love Ecstatic Dance
let's join forces
Whether it's pouring out shamanic singing and crystal bowl healing for Wim Hof or opening up an event for Gabor Maté, Darren is open to exploring how sound can grace your private life or public event.
Darren is available for group and private sound healing sessions and concerts, as well as dynamic wellness workshops including his revolutionary Conscious Masculinity workshop.