Happy Autumn to those in the Northern Hemisphere and to those down South like me well happy rainy season! It truly is a tad strange for me to be in Costa Rica and miss out on the wondrous spin of the four seasons as I'm more used to given my Canadian roots but, alas, I have followed a deep calling since my trip here last year to make a new home in this beautiful country. It has been quite remarkable to be here in this halycon amidst all the changes sweeping our world. To be closer to the natural world and feel the comfort of Earth, Gaia's glory of love, has been like a salving mothering embrace, mitigating the severity of changes taking place. It's not necessarily good or bad: I know many friends who have endured the beleaguered circumstances of the pandemic and have witnessed them growing in strength. Humans are hardy and hearty folk and if anything modern living has softened us some; exiled us from the strengthening that the wild used to afford us in more pastoral environs. COVID-19 is many things to be sure and in a world increasingly awakening to quantum reality, multi-dimensionality and the subsequent collapse of duality, many things can be true at the same time, a dizzying prospect for intellects honed by dualistic thinking as is the norm in Western civilization.

Multi-dimensionality in the realm of COVID means that it can also be a plandemic, also a real virus that poses an unprecedented threat to our species, also a response from Mother Earth Herself perhaps to halt our destructive civilization, saving us from ourselves and many more perspectives. And given that truth is an absolute quagmire of a million different points-of-view in our Information Age, I personally have felt it best to take a step back from trying to figure it all out and rather plunge deep into the heart and the quivers of the Earth's guidance blossoming there in beatific perpetuity.

This is not mere hippy-speak: the ancients proclaimed the Earth as a living Goddess whose stead is wisdom. In fact Her name was Sophia to some which in Greek means wisdom. And as I have learned in my time learning from First Nations peoples (Native Americans), the goal of the vision quest (whereupon one sits out in solitude in the wilderness and partakes in a fast) is to obtain visions, guiding teachings from Mother Earth Herself. The great elder who guiding that vision quest, Anishinabe wisdom keeper, Nii Gaani Aki Inini (Leading Earth Man)/Dr. Dave Courchene, recently wrote: "The Earth is a living entity, with an intelligence we need to connect with. She is the true teacher of life who helps us find ourselves, as we go within our own being." 

We are living in a time of profound changes. In 2018, Uranus, the planet of revolutionary change and independence, entered into Taurus, the most Earthy sign, where it will remain until 2025. This commenced a cycle of inevitable Earth changes and hopefully in order to rectify us with Mother Earth Herself. That is up to us...Mark me, the gravest problem is NOT COVID-19 but our broken relationship with Earth and nature and it has been that way for a long time, too long. We are a species divided not only from the sacred ecology of its home planet, making us a species succumbing to collective insanity, but we are also divided from ourselves, the very nature that is us. And this is why if there's anything that 2020 is jostling us to do it is to embrace the changes and take time to truly step back and abide in the heart.

The upheaval of modern civilization as we know it is inevitable if we are to course-correct and break inveterate patterns that are stagnating our evolution. I would daresay many of us wanted this, despite how difficult it is. We knew we could not go any longer as business as usual and hope to thrive or even survive as a species on this planet in the way we are behaving collectively. Furthermore, since behaviour is conditioned by beliefs, we needed a period of time to deeply question the beliefs that form the substratum of our consciousness and architect the very design of our civilization. Truly, the only relevant change is on the level of consciousness itself, something difficult to affect when one is perpetually caught in the busyness and distractions of modern living. It takes tremendous rectitude and willful assiduity to tinker with one's causal level of being. It requires lots of presence, the luminous vigilance afforded by meditation to inquire as to how one is truly acting in this world and inquire where our blindspots lie, and the skillfulness to enact change, endure turbulent circumstances and begin the slow and steady rise of one's soul consciousness (a deeper sense of being based on unity, love and holism). 

For those already walking such a path of spiritual practice, 2020 has probably been a pretty exciting year, even ecstatic. That's not to downplay the inherent suffering that has occurred in loss of human life. That is tragic but it's also inevitable in life when this kind of adversity hits. Our civilization, long shirking nature, was due for a horrendous and sobering intervention. We have no one but ourselves to blame. So, we do our best to care for those in need while also plunging into the necessary response needed in our world in this era. And that response for me has been to go in to coalesce with the need for revolutionary fervour, realize that our civilization can no longer be based on patriarchal sciences steeped in left-brain rational-materialism but need to integrate the feminine aspects of our being, namely, our intuitive intelligence and the rapture of spontaneous insights, feeling nature, caringness, the love that unifies all that is disparate and, possibly the paramount, bridling to a sense of Goddess alongside God. Stationing the feminine in the divine realm alongside the masculine which has monopolized such a position for long now radically transforms our sense of the world. I urge everyone to try it for themselves, whether by rituals to honour Goddess, exploring the multifarious traditions of Goddess worship or simply allowing an intuitive practice to be gifted by your divine imagination itself.

It's obvious that the world will never be the same and for many of us it might still be intense how fast it has all shifted. But as I shared very early on this year, a dear friend spoke to a Colombian wisdom elder who shared that this is in fact the answer to our prayers. The world desperately needed to change. The important task now is inspiring ourselves to rise up and wrest control of the narrative of how the world will change from systems of power that have already proven themselves ineffectual. We need big courage in our hearts along with big dreams. It is time to re-vision our world. And as much as the US election drama is throttling our consciousness with chaotic divisiveness, the real game lies in our own lives and the responsibility to take control of them and our communities so that we can step forth out of a civilized mode of living replete with antiquated problems and begin to pioneer something new, while also pulling on the threads of the great ancestral wisdoms of our past.

This brings us to another astrological activation: the burgeoning Aquarian Age. According to another brilliant elder who I have followed for years, Barbara Hand Clow: "Miraculously, at the exact moment of the Winter Solstice December 21, 2020, Jupiter conjoins Saturn in zero degrees Aquarius trine the Pleiades, the dawning of the Aquarian Age." We go through each astrological age cycle roughly every 2150 years and to be alive in one of the pivot moments is quite momentous as we are witnessing flagrant cosmological change on Earth. We have been transitioning from the Age of Pisces for the last 50 years or so and are now set to truly enter increasingly into the new age of Aquarius, whereupon true world peace is to be actualized, along with stunning technological achievements in the realm particularly of subtle energy, along with massive expansions of consciousness to unify humanity like never before. The harbingers for this age are already quite clear in our culture. Seeds are being planted and the first flowers of these changes are beginning to bloom.

I will speak now more openly about my personal beliefs surrounding COVID-19. You don't have to agree with everything I say and hope you don't. We need to be able to dialogue, respectfully debate in these times. It's a reason why I have taken an immense step back off the social media platform of Facebook as it has truly become a maelstrom of divisive expression, emboldening hate and furthering polarization among the masses that is poisoning our society. I highly recommend taking a step away from Facebook, especially if you have found yourself daily engaging in back-and-forth postings to try and claim victories in the battlefield of belief. It's not worth any of our time, truly.

I believe one of the more controversial aspects of COVID is the fact that it seems increasingly clear that it is being exploited by world governments to roll out a techno-styled tyranny of surveillance, unprecedented social control and even such nefarious prospects as vaccines that contain quantum microchips. This is not conspiracy theory but a reality that can easily be researched (if you would you like to hear my deeper opinion on conspiracy theory, check my Wisdom Warrior talk HERE). Is this some kind of dark, devilish agenda, or simply one belief system asserting its solution to a problem that perhaps doesn't jive with how many of us see it? As a former Chinese Medicine practitioner, a believer in natural healing and a critic of empirical science, I have serious doubts about ramping up an allopathic medical system to address a viral outbreak when already many natural remedies have proven effective. Ultimately, there needs to be a rise of a truly integrative medical system that sees the strengths and weaknesses of both the allopathic and more holistic methods. 

As I have shared in many of my Wisdom Warrior talks on my Youtube channel (please subscribe and check the out HERE) there is a very old wound in our species around the divorce from nature, Earth and a sense of Goddess Herself that has been plaguing us, pushing us into a grave imbalance on the level of consciousness. I don't believe any of us can truly render how deep and significant this wound is but I do know that the more I study it, connect the dots throughout his-story, the more I'm aware that there's deep aspects of human consciousness that have been persecuted, oppressed and silenced for so long we don't fully even recall their silencing. Yet, when one studies the genocides of the Pagan, indigenous Europeans and then genocides of pretty much every indigenous culture following that. the suppression of the Goddess and polytheistic beliefs with the rise of monotheism, patriarchy and the male God supreme, it is evident a grand schism has driven an essential aspect of our species into fragmentation. And then there's the whole Judeo-Chrisitian and then Muslim religious extremism which posited this world as something akin to a fallen paradise, opening it to the nefarious raping of civilization, plundering its resources, murdering its ecology, and pushing us to the brink of self-annihilation. Through all that madness, the shining and sobering awakening is this: we are of the same cloth of Earth. We are continuum with all that is here. We are Goddess and She is us. We cannot harm the ecology of the planet and believe we do not do ourselves harm in kind. We are nature too.

This awakening is so massive that we need a kind of collective initiation where, like any skillfully exercised ritual ordeal, an old egoic form of being is brought to death, or rather, alchemical transformation, becoming the soil to sow a luminous rebirth as something more powerful than its former is brought to life. 2020 and the COVID pandemic/plandemic is just that. I say plandemic because I do believe that elements of it are being exploited but either way it doesn't change the fact that we have an opportunity here to change like never before. It remains to be seen how that change will take effect. Will we continue to entrust our power to political leaders steeped in a military-industrial system that is based on the very baleful beliefs I have just mentioned? Will we continue to live in a modern civilization that has exiled itself from the Earth and continues to hold the sword of Damocles above its head? Will we allow ourselves to be divided, gaslighted into civil war even, or will we find ways to courageously affirm a unifying inclusivity that will embrace us all and allow for healing communications to smooth out generations of trauma that continue to haunt us? Will we continue to let duality polarize us or can we shift into a revolution of consciousness and wonder at a possible new world of multi-dimensional, universal truth; a harbinger perhaps of a new golden age?

It can seem so daunting, can't it? Yet, as the ancient Taoist, Oriental mystics affirmed, the heart can handle the burden of things when we allow ourselves to shift into its great conscious expanse. Meaning, make time for timelessness and to bridle to Her. Assert your indigenousness to Earth by finding time in each and every day to sit in nature, even if just the speck of a holy park in an urban enclave, a backyard nestled beside a tree, and sit in meditation and contemplation. Contemplation and reflection are some of the most important skills our minds have. Contemplation is meditative thinking, meaning we take time to breathe deeply and relax for some minutes, setting up a foundation of calm mental vibrations and then bringing forth something to think about. When we relax, our body naturally sets in motion internal harmonizations (homeostasis) which heal us on all levels. Our mental activity also dips down into the heart where we have greater access to the miraculous powers of insight (spontaneous revelation), intuition and emotional intelligence. When we think from the space of the heart in contemplation, we are more than often suffuse with synthesis--ideas comes together, conflicting thoughts find delicious resolution. And more mystically, we hear the whispers of wisdom of what the Taoists call the guiding realm. We aren't meant to be lost and confused. We have access to guiding wisdom at all times. We just have to make that sacred time; assert kairos (divine time) over chronos (clock time). Meditation gives us the opportunity to do so and because natural environments are perpetually in a state of meditative doing and being, our practice is enhanced there via entrainment with natural vibrations. It's as if we are all pregnant with a new world, and like a noble mother, we need to honour the precious life being born in our lives. We need to care for ourselves, slow things down, listen to what our body and this little life needs. Nourish ourselves well and bathe ourselves in healing vibrations with constancy. 

What is the chaos of our current world is the cleaning and clearing of space for something new? How can we step deeper and more boldly into sovereignty? What world do we wish to help create? These are vital questions for right now. And as crazy as it might sound in the face of all the tumult, we need to trust. Trust that we are living within a great source-field of high intelligence that is interfacing with us always. This is the gem of all spiritual teachings, the divine itself, and yet our materialistic culture has cut us off from this metaphysical truth. Now we get to be a part of that great reclamation; the re-enchanting of the world! I can attest that one of the greatest tools I have wielded in my life to make me more connected to this guiding realm is THE PRESENCE PROCESS by Michael Brown. A stunning book that lays out a 10-week program to amplify presence in our lives, help integrate fragmented aspects of our beings (often due to childhood traumas) and plug us more deeply into the great presence of the unified field of which we call exist whose constant offering is insight. Moreover, the recent release of the documentary film THRIVE 2 also renders the need to reconnect to this Source Field with wondrous clarity. I highly recommend watching it with friends and family.

You won't believe me until you embody and explore it for yourself. We as a species need to live with the heart as our supreme centre. The Taoists regarded the Heart as the Emperor within. For too long, we have lived with the intellect as our guide, the ego ruling us rather than the soul which resides in the temple of the heart. This is one of the great shifts to be made as we cross into the new age, from head to heart consciousness. And now, at a time of dire circumstance when the intellect is increasingly exposing its weaknesses whether in the absurdity of prolific labellings happening in online dialogues (e.g. Nazi Hippies!) to the blurring of Left and Right political parties fueling increasing incoherent debate, to the sheer apocalyptic anxiety gripping so many. It's like the universe is a supreme masterful wrestler, putting us collectively in merciless after merciless hold, asking us to tap out, and us stubbornly refusing to accept a transformation of consciousness. But in the heart, duality collapses and multi-dimensionality unfurls. We engage the constant stream of wisdom of the guiding realm, Goddess Herself whispering on the gift-waves. We feel peace, knowing that we are a part of something greater that is also playing an immense part and guiding things always toward harmony, even through necessary dissolutions. And there, we can hear the voice of the Earth, Gaia-Sophia, awakening and awakening once again in us, guiding us toward a new civilization of peace, justice and vibrant health and joy. 

The Year Everything Changed...

I think we will look back on this year as the year when it all changed. A righteous change. A needed change. A hard change but also one swaddled to surprising grace. Change is always such a fervent phenomena and its constancy is something our modern civilization has in many ways attempted to buttress itself from; stymying the flux and flows of the natural world in the unnatural isolation of our closed, urban worlds, drunk on a human supremacy complex, becoming ecological freaks breaking interdependent ties and pastoral sensibility.

Weren't we all praying for this in some way? Praying for the madness of our civilization and its catatonic progress to slow and outright STOP so we can address the horrors of ecocide? Address the collective psychosis that has clearly gripped us in millennial long onset? Be careful what you wish for, it goes. Indeed. Our wishes have been answered. But it wasn't a utopian overnight overhaul. It is and will be the continued sobering to our current state of reality after long treacherous momentum living in exile from the Earth; from Her...

If you follow my work, you know I have been on a decade-long odyssey now deeply seeking to reconnect myself to the Earth through excavations of my own indigenous ancestry as a European in this current incarnation. It became clear to me that this endeavouring is one of the crucial cures to colonialism and the ills of Western civilization; to remember the villages from whence we came and the pagan livelihoods that once bridled us to Her as devoted children of the Earth. You know as well that it is my passion moving forward to continue fueling this flame and light other torches waiting to recover a sense of the sacredness of our planet that we've long lost. And, finally, you also know that I have also become convinced that what we are witnessing right here and now is perhaps the fulfillment of an intersection of many global prophecies, including the ancient Gnostic foretelling of a time when the living consciousness of Mother Earth, Gaia-Sophia, would awaken within Her dreaming and, thus, awaken us via our symbiotic relationship with Her.

Perhaps, all of these changes are not conspiratorial orchestrations (though there's clearly duplicities at play in the government-corporate complex) but also because of Her? There is a provocative anecdote in the Nag Hammadi Library, an almost 2000 year old recovered text that gives us potentially the only direct, written knowledge of those ancient Europans, in which the Goddess Sophia, who the Gnostics revered as our planetary Mother Earth, confronts the chief Archon, who are ancient adversaries of humanity who the Gnostics believe enslaved us in an interdimensional tyranny. She scoffs at their arrogance to suppress our innate power that She Herself birthed and brazenly affirms that when we do inevitably awaken to our essential nature the genius unleashed then will inevitably inspire our breaking of these tyrannical shackles with such expediency that in a generation or two we will barely remember the dark ages that preceded a new age of golden light...

I share this now as this wondrous song and video by Olafur Arnalds has so moved my heart & soul. This serenely exquisite piano coda to unity also contains samplings of Shipibo chants that often accompany traditional Ayahausca ceremonies. But it is the video that is most striking for years ago I saw something so analogous in an Aya ceremony I experienced deep in the jungle in Mexico...

I experienced hell on Earth. I witnessed the grave collective sickness which has infected human consciousness as I saw the metaphysical plight of billions of my fellow humans succumbed to horrible illness that, worse, they were wholly ignorant of on a certain dimension, though it secretly ravaged our souls. It was a despairing ceremony for me and one I know many can relate to. Mother Aya as a proponent and emissary of Gaia's consciousness is that Grandmother elder voice who doesn't mince words but often shows us the raw and brutal truth. But, like a good grandmother, Mother Aya is not all callousness: in my experience, she always leads you into Her arms to be bathed by an ultimate embrace of the Great Mothering which ever-surrounds us though tragically forgotten by our severed civilization.

As my ceremony reached culmination, weary from internal struggles with the horrors I was being shown and from a dozen wretchings at least, I suddenly saw one of the most beautiful visions I have ever seen. In the sky, high above, I saw giant, luminous, 3-D sacred geometrical shapes, placidly floating down from the heavens in angelic parachutes, illuminating the night sky with a salvation of exquisite radiance. Mother Aya whispered sweetly in my ear not to fear all I was shown because all this time, within all the horror, this divine rescue mission was underway. That we were to trust. Be at peace. Hone in on those divine relations and make alliance with the grace ever-coming to know that so much more was in alliance with us. That a spiritual revolution was incoming...

I see the same resonance in this exquisite video. And since deepening my sense of Presence this summer with a third round of The Presence Process, I've been increasingly trusting that waft of Source that perpetually brims beneath the hubbub of chronos consciousness, constantly blooming insights of stunning revelation in my being from the beauty of kairos (divine time; eternity's shine). And in those insights, I have witnessed, nay, experienced, Gaia Herself, constantly speaking to me, moving in me, cajoling me to prepare for this change, this great turning. I have seen and felt the return of villages, pastoral symphonies of humanity running joyously back to the arms of the Earth and the magic of Her ecology. I have seen the power places being gathered round where Her ley-lines/meridians are being once again enthused to cultivate the great garden of Her love as our ancestors, I am convinced, once did in reverent acts of ardent geomancy. I see Gaia awakening and us in kind and a great turning toward an age called the Re-enchantment, that will cure all the ills that this disenchanted time has levelled upon us. I see a continual rapture in finding a vast human purpose rising to heal the great wound of separation from the Earth, from Her, from Goddess, and the remembering that it is truly Her wisdom which we are to constantly dance with to guide us into true unfolding of our original blessedness.

I know so many of you feel the same way and so it is: it is time to gather, returning to the old ways in new octaves of innovative brilliance that will honour what our ancestors were doing and continue their sacred work, picking up their sagacious threads. Aye, I think we will look back on this year as the year when indeed it all changed, like any well conducted initiation, whereupon a precise and skillful psychic death is enacted, one replete with alchemical skill and faith in eternity that leads us straight through the dark door into the glory of rebirth...Children of the Earth, Chidren of Her, Children of Wisdom...

"I believe that most of what was said of God was in reality said of that spirit whose body is the Earth." ∞ AE

Raising the Heart During Chaotic Times

Do not lose heart, dear brothers and sisters. We are witnessing the great purge of all that has been held toxic for so long, for too long in our collective consciousness. The virus is the same: it is also on one dimension the sickness that Mother Earth has incurred from all of our mistreatment of Her, now transferred to us. As many indigenous elders are decrying, the ultimate healing will only come when we rectify our relationship to Her. And through this adversity, we are awakening like never before...

A great awakening is taking place in human consciousness. Consciousness is synonymous with LIGHT and, yet, as the LIGHT of our collective species grows it is shining intensely into the shadows. We are seeing a never before, unprecedented revealing of the true darkness that has been afoot, in the halls of power on our planet and as well I'm our entire consciousness. And it is not pretty. Not at all. The cognitive dissonance is rife and endemic. Many don't want to look at it; are fumbling in defensive posturings. But it is futile. Each day more malevolence, more insanity is being expressed by the political powers of our planet. We are witnessing the revealing of grand tyrannies, horrifying deceit and tantamount abuse. And more, much more will possibly come.

The chaos seems to be building, as well as the suffering. It is inevitable as the deconstruction of a sickened system is taken through the initial healing process of initial detoxification and purification. We must not look away but engage all the learning that is happening now, no matter how disgusted we might become. We must allow the pain its full capacity so we can understand it. But we must also begin the heroic work of erecting a new world; witnessing AND participating in the collapse of an old world order; an order with insanity at its foundation; that had grown to even ruthlessly destroy its home planet and put so many lives in the balance.

In this evolution, we must garner understanding of the deep wounds and shadow aspects of our species. The beliefs and behaviours must be unmasked so that we can get a grand view of ourselves so that new choice points can emerge and we can revise and recreate civilization along lines of sanity and wisdom.

The chaos seems to be building, as well as the suffering. It is inevitable as the deconstruction of a sickened system is taken through the initial healing process of initial detoxification and purification. We must not look away but engage all the learning that is happening now, no matter how disgusted we might become. We must allow the pain its full capacity so we can understand it. But we must also begin the heroic work of erecting a new world, caring for life, and caring for the world, fiercely. As we heal our own consciousness, grow it to new heights of sagacity and magnanimity, we help in the great healing of our collective.

We need to begin visioning en masse a new meaning for the world. This will be a multi-dimensional constellating of the best aspects of our humanity and releasing what no longer serves. We must activate our divine powers of creativity and will. I am inspired to see this heroic quality of the human spirit already taking effect. Much of our latent genius, long ignored and even oppressed, is now being given space to unfurl its brilliance. We must wield now more than ever the dynamic and, yes, largely unknown powers of love to orchestrate a new culture of unity which doesn't leave anyone behind, where the laws of Mother Earth are affirmed as our guide toward an eco-spiritual civilization based primarily on interdependence and mutual upliftment.

As many indigenous elders have also decried, this crisis is the answer to our prayers, despite how harrowing these times are. We have been jostled from our slumbers in a system of existence that is destructive, unjust and oppressive. We are being awakened to affirm a new meaning of our humanity and our sense of this wonderful planet that we've long disassociated from.

Don't lose heart. Care for one another. Be bold. It is a time to stand for what we believe in, illuminate the tyrannies swirling around us and resist them with dynamic and intelligent action. An incredible world is more than possible, hardly a new normal, but a new re-enchantment. I am with you. I believe in you, in us, and the numinous source of our existence. We are more than capable of finding the sweetness in this adversity and, together, rising anew…


The Erosion of Empathy & Doing Away With Labels

Labeling fellow humans 'anti-vaxxers' and 'conspiracy theorists' is the new McCarthyism (although the gross falsehood around Russiagate pretty much takes the cake itself). We are entering into precarious times of division games being orchestrated by oligarchic media and AI algorithms in social media commons that are anything but. Rather many of these digital spheres are intended to rip society apart and are doing a darn good job of it lately, as our empathy is terribly eroded and our emotions relentlessly provoked by manipulative social engineering via sensationalist 'media' masquerading as journalism. There is a morbid fascination with righteousness that I know only too well and it's sinking the best of ourselves.

Do away with labels. Welcome another's multifarious humanity into the realm of your awareness. Be open to acknowledging and accepting their nuances and seeing them as a collection of diverse perspectives, all with stories elaborating the roots and branching of their beliefs and behaviours.

Labels are grossly dehumanizing but their convenience often far outweighs our desire for fairness. Know that we have all been conditioned to be narcissistic, each and everyone one of us, and we are liable to defend and project our beliefs irrationally even in the face of clear erroneousness. Know then that berating with labels, disrespect and ad hominem attacks doesn't offer space for a potential noble transformation but provokes hardened shells to armour more. Why then do we participate in such actions? Is our true motive to co-create a mutual truth and even gently persuade someone to something better or are we just lusty to be righter; lusty to sit in the high chair? We have been more conditioned to battle and for war then to love. This is one of the great tragedies of modernity...

There is so much more beyond labels; a world of being. I have witnessed the most stubborn, arrogant and detestable be softened and swayed to at least admitting their willingness to learn something novel by excuding a warrior kind of kindness; resilient, nimble and perpetually patient before the most provocative of barbs. I have opened armour as a flower opens to the nurturance of water, when it is safe and even sacred to do so.

There is another way, many more. Let go of labels and sit, wonder and contemplate on our motivation to use them in the first place. Face that morbidity that would rather hate in the ease of reactivity rather than love in the challenging journey of transformation. It takes high skill to love those who might even seem our enemies. So difficult that it is largely misunderstood, belittled as callow naivete. But to those who know through experience, who have wielded love's enigmatic alchemical force, love is all powerful.

Let us go on an adventure now and tell the endless story of love's magnificence. Let love be embodied and expressed in ruthless abundance; an imperial force of compassion and affection that will dominate all ill will with sweet nectar of connectivity. Admit humbly that we have hardly expressed nor embodied even an iota of love's true potential. Let the story moving onward be of when humanity, in the dark night of its soul, discovered the indomitable, magnanimous and infinite powers of love. So profound is this discovery, so captivating that it ushered in a whole new world of unimaginable beauty and geniust; the living truth of a long held secret dream in the hearts of all.

All that I'm saying is give love a chance...

The Pitfalls of Facebook

FACEBOOK, this seemingly innocuous technology that has become such an entrenched part of our lives and veritable extension of society, is where empathy goes to die...

It is clear now during these tenuous times where opinions suddenly are momentous, even perilous, and the grand collective pulse anxious, unsteady; threatened by mortal fear by the sword of a pandemic. And this is increasingly not the place to sort it out. Rather, it's the place to fight it out, to make caricatures of one another, dehumanize with vast ballooning nets that always leave so much more of the person out of one's knowing. A place where we cannot see nor feel each other's living presence, deadened by digital rendering. Communication often, too often, runs off the cliff. Friendships, even, are ended from a post, a post...a post...

We all know we are so duped. How can it be anything but brazenly obvious? The drastically immense amount of information that entails 'communication' is the body's language; that beautiful visage which imprints compassion and depth where text might seem callous and demeaning. That field of humanness that subtly weaves us into the pleasure of meaningful conversation and natural respect from simply the tangible tethering of eye contact. Perhaps two steaming teas, delicious coffees or (best yet) heart-fondling cacao to ease our tempestuous 'opinions' and guide us to the gregarious. Or most supreme, the elixir of embrace, melting armour, bringing forth the beauty of the truth of just love, no matter what. Long hugs can end wars. Mark me...

Even if I know you as close friend, Facebook distorts our relationship into the anonymity of this strange communication of typing, waiting, responding; a binary beat entraining a melodious symphony into a banal military march; the suffocating silence and the anguish of longing to hear your laughter, even your cathartic sigh and tense groans of disagreement; the full glory of your humanity--a gospel greater by thousands of galaxies than any computer.

Empathy is being devastated in a time when we need it more than ever. The world as we know it is dying a hard, fast and painful death and we are called ALL to give birth to another. This is unprecedented, unparalleled and, somehow, still unfathomable. Our collective imagination, one of our most brilliant qualities, distracted by the morbid battle to be right and righter still; the chaos of mystery and the fear of losing a sense of security.

So when that Facebook conversation or post thread turns nasty and you feel that growing weight of shame and yet addiction to maintaining one's semblance of righteousness, STOP. Close the puter. Run to your breath as if seeing a lover after long absence and throw the arms of your presence around it. Then, get up and shake, dance and release all that needless enmity to the ethers. Imagine those you are struggling against before you and see them larger than a profile pic, a pixelated soul, but rather a world of a life; the bigness of their beauty of a being. Send them love, not the pithy kind that throws saddles on unicorns, but the sobering, somber, descending vibration that grounds in the collective experience of both being wonderfully, imperfectly human. And knowing, no matter what, that the greatest differences have also been the harbinger of great peace. That beyond the massacring myopia of talking to each other through computers, if we drop the machines, we pick up our humanity and the whole ineffable spectrum of our innate brilliance (wonderful smiles, vulnerable, glimmering eyes, infinite dance moves, holy laughter, etcetera eternal...).

We have a new world to make and immensely care for. We are all parents of this timid, tender child. Let us begin from this place where our humanity is given space, perhaps for the first time ever, to truly, deeply, show what it's really made of...
