Raising the Heart During Chaotic Times
Do not lose heart, dear brothers and sisters. We are witnessing the great purge of all that has been held toxic for so long, for too long in our collective consciousness. The virus is the same: it is also on one dimension the sickness that Mother Earth has incurred from all of our mistreatment of Her, now transferred to us. As many indigenous elders are decrying, the ultimate healing will only come when we rectify our relationship to Her. And through this adversity, we are awakening like never before...
A great awakening is taking place in human consciousness. Consciousness is synonymous with LIGHT and, yet, as the LIGHT of our collective species grows it is shining intensely into the shadows. We are seeing a never before, unprecedented revealing of the true darkness that has been afoot, in the halls of power on our planet and as well I'm our entire consciousness. And it is not pretty. Not at all. The cognitive dissonance is rife and endemic. Many don't want to look at it; are fumbling in defensive posturings. But it is futile. Each day more malevolence, more insanity is being expressed by the political powers of our planet. We are witnessing the revealing of grand tyrannies, horrifying deceit and tantamount abuse. And more, much more will possibly come.
The chaos seems to be building, as well as the suffering. It is inevitable as the deconstruction of a sickened system is taken through the initial healing process of initial detoxification and purification. We must not look away but engage all the learning that is happening now, no matter how disgusted we might become. We must allow the pain its full capacity so we can understand it. But we must also begin the heroic work of erecting a new world; witnessing AND participating in the collapse of an old world order; an order with insanity at its foundation; that had grown to even ruthlessly destroy its home planet and put so many lives in the balance.
In this evolution, we must garner understanding of the deep wounds and shadow aspects of our species. The beliefs and behaviours must be unmasked so that we can get a grand view of ourselves so that new choice points can emerge and we can revise and recreate civilization along lines of sanity and wisdom.
The chaos seems to be building, as well as the suffering. It is inevitable as the deconstruction of a sickened system is taken through the initial healing process of initial detoxification and purification. We must not look away but engage all the learning that is happening now, no matter how disgusted we might become. We must allow the pain its full capacity so we can understand it. But we must also begin the heroic work of erecting a new world, caring for life, and caring for the world, fiercely. As we heal our own consciousness, grow it to new heights of sagacity and magnanimity, we help in the great healing of our collective.
We need to begin visioning en masse a new meaning for the world. This will be a multi-dimensional constellating of the best aspects of our humanity and releasing what no longer serves. We must activate our divine powers of creativity and will. I am inspired to see this heroic quality of the human spirit already taking effect. Much of our latent genius, long ignored and even oppressed, is now being given space to unfurl its brilliance. We must wield now more than ever the dynamic and, yes, largely unknown powers of love to orchestrate a new culture of unity which doesn't leave anyone behind, where the laws of Mother Earth are affirmed as our guide toward an eco-spiritual civilization based primarily on interdependence and mutual upliftment.
As many indigenous elders have also decried, this crisis is the answer to our prayers, despite how harrowing these times are. We have been jostled from our slumbers in a system of existence that is destructive, unjust and oppressive. We are being awakened to affirm a new meaning of our humanity and our sense of this wonderful planet that we've long disassociated from.
Don't lose heart. Care for one another. Be bold. It is a time to stand for what we believe in, illuminate the tyrannies swirling around us and resist them with dynamic and intelligent action. An incredible world is more than possible, hardly a new normal, but a new re-enchantment. I am with you. I believe in you, in us, and the numinous source of our existence. We are more than capable of finding the sweetness in this adversity and, together, rising anew…