The Re-Enchantment Chronicles (with Merlin Channellings) 01

If there’s one thing I often get triggered about on the whole concept of channeling it’s that in someway the person declaring themselves channeling a person or entity seems to be the sole benefactor of such higher comport and I thusly feel into a dense field of narcissism, potential or actual. What I have learned by sitting with this karmic knot, untying the wisdom therein, is that these beings that are channeled are not solely owned by the channeler but are fields of consciousness that can be apprehended by anyone. We are, after all, of the ALL and consciousness in certain dimensions is utterly unified. This hyper-connective space is both the magnificent space for sciences to discover as well as self-realizing human beings where we can bridge with such wondrous unified fields of awareness. We become like star-bright kin again, as we were wildly in the innocence of childhood when inhibitions had not divided our nations of humanhood and we blended much more in the delicious realms of play, unbridled and constant joy, melting us into flags of laughter, and the lucid and beautiful world of unencumbered love and affection for so many things.

And so when I brazenly declare that I am channeling the wisdom of Merlin let me equally trumpet that this does NOT make me special, extraordinary, aside from the extraordinariness of simply being human and continuing to deepen the actualization of our infinite potential. YOU and YOU and YOU can channel Merlin or any number of beings, things. This is essential to the magic of the world. Imagine, a kind of telepathic library system, the Akashic Records, ever-there, everywhere, in the infinite space of universe.

You can imagine at any moment that you are in an immense cosmic library filled with innumerable books of all wisdoms, knowings and experiences. The cool thing is this library is pervasive and immanent for it exists in the great cosmic consciousness of which we are all vibing, and of which the Internet, the World Wide Web, is but a material mirroring.

You can simply centre yourself, learning to navigate the multi-dimensionality of consciousness via state-shifting. Presence is the portal. Wonder and beauty is the inevitability. And yet, mindful meditation can indeed be a discipline, taking us to surety of metaphysical experience. And yet, another magic of the world is that it can happen AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT.

Nature is resplendent with lighting up the field of magical reality because it is Gaia denuded. It is the Goddess’s raw expression. It is more of Her primal power, drenching us with natural mysticism that bubbles and dances in this world that is Her Soul, what the ancients called the Anima Mundi. And so, a hike in the forest may suddenly find us caring fully at the blessed beauty of an emerald-coloured waterfall and then POOF we are drenched in downloads, riddled with revelation, scampering to journal or app to jot down the stellar arrows that have hit their mark in the bastion of our soul.

What a high joy to receive wisdom and become it through appropriate integration, stewardship, cultivation. We are thusly channels all the time in a way. Unified physics confronts the density of ego with domineering skill.

With intentionality, we may sit and enter the Akashic Library by some focused minding, gracefully plying open the doors to the higher dimensions where we might then intend to open the book of someone’s life whom we wish to learn from or to toss a ribbon of light from our heart to connect to their undying spirit. For it is told that great ones, masterful ones, remain radiant and robust with loquacious consciousness in the realms beyond. Who knows? Gnosis offers this: to find out for yourself; play.

Should we be cautious in looping our mind with another? Are we transgressing boundaries? Will we lose ourselves in another, sliding into schizophrenia? The rub of reality is anything can happen. The other rub is that we are masters of our chariot of soul-fire so then in the alchemy of freewill, what is it that you wish to create? For we are Creators as Divine as Creation itself. This is part of the spark that we are of the original light of Source and Great Mystery—we are creative. This is one of the highest blisses to know and best to embody.

In fact, this is one of the highest magics of the world, one so denoted through the wisdoms of the ages, carried ardently by many mystics, magi, sages, great ones all around. We can create our life AND we can create the world, in magnanimous rapport with Gaia, the Earth and the greater cosmic familia of spirit.

Many studies of magic are consistently wrapped up in mastery of the mind, of consciousness, and also our emotional nature and eventually all that we are. And yet, mastery doesn’t necessitate a dominating, alpha beingness (though in certain gusts of gusto it is welcomed) as it also necessitates a perpetual dance, collaboration, co-creativity, tantra with the profundity of communication with cosmic consciousness, of which our inner-world is the portal to—a more Ultimate Reality, where our Ultimate Self is irrevocably blended (as our Vedic ancestors have exquisitely bemoaned in heavenly hymns of stunning knowing).

Merlin chimes in: The reason so much falsehood and disillusionment is rife in the world is because we as a species are being collectively initiated into restoring and evolving the true sense of sovereignty, entailing emphatically that we all think for ourselves, know for ourselves, feel for ourselves and spend more time being with our deepest selves. This is why as intense as the corruptions in the world are to witness as they are exposed, in complimentary inspiration so too are the wonders of spiritual exploration, awareness practices, subtle energetic experiences and even the phantasmagoria of psychedelic therapeutics, all expanding the human mind beyond former smothering confines, awakening us to vast capacities of higher intelligence, awe before the mystical nature of the universe, now especially praised by sciences, and the sheer beauty of the multiverse.

This initiation is not initiated by something outside of ourselves. It is simply the inevitable cycle of which we find ourselves, call it Kali Yuga, Apocalypse, Time of the Sixth Sun, the new renaissance. Ride it, ride it hard as we burst through mental prisons to evoke the magic of the world. Our re-enchantment is inevitable by the boon of such an awakening. And then, we are dutifully and joyfully enthused to make that re-chantment into a radiance that ever brims from our cup, overflowing to so sparkle the world, igniting our desire to create such magic in the world, to impregnate the world with beauty and wisdom.

REMEMBER above ALL, that Avalon, the Celtic sense of the heavenly, is not a place but a state that we can all enter into and devotedly so the more we gain intelligence as spiritual beings, our soul captaining our lives. What is soul? What is spiritual beingness? These are the wonders for us all to tell stories of with the play and practice and art of our living. And then to share such tales, happily, even best with song and dance!

And so Merlin presides and I don’t know where he ends and I begin, as I’m sure many of us can attest in that murky realm of the supernatural where our ego dissolves a little and whittles our hardened self into something more nimble and light. It is a wise thing to come back to thy self, in a sweet kind of neutrality of the witness consciousness, which carries with it a certain fearless knowing of just beingness itself, which we also know is something so utterly and spectacularly mutual with all of us.

And so begins the Re-Enchantment Chronicles and where it will take me-us who knows? Yet I feel it needs to be clearly stated that the intention herein is that we are invited to focus more to all become gardeners of this great world, tilling it for the beauty waiting evermore in the field of its Great Soul, of which we are all part, bridled to in the unity of astral physics to greater Kosmos. Aye, there is great darks now in the world coming to view but remember ONLY because the light of our collective consciousness has become so enthused and powerful that is shining now like never before into the shadow of the collective mind of us and the world that holds so much of our past and present and future too in intuitive danglings.

What is unique to our age (perhaps!) is that so many of us are becoming so duly awakened and are now striding forth along this pathway of expansion and transformation. How blessed and wonderful! The numinous story now-upon us is what shall we do with our divine creativity, now so radiant and ruddy? And that is, beautifully, up to us all. So sleuth in the holy dark but always in the presence of our great, undying light—the consciousness of soul, blooming from the holy whole of which we are all seeking and finding. Let the magic of the world be our perpetual excitement to discover/recover and thusly embody and celebrate.