Songs of Source
Songs of Source
'Songs of Source' is the new album from Sound Healer & Sacred Musician, Darren Austin Hall, featuring the healing sounds of Crystal Singing Bowls & shamanic singing. Each song is a channeled prayer with sacred intention to take the listener into a healing and meditative space for empowerment and transformation. The music inspires spiritual awareness, deep relaxation and is perfect for shamanic journeying, meditation, yoga practice, accompaniment for healing sessions and for prayer-work.
Darren is a masterful Crystal Singing Bowl performer. His array of bowls also includes incredible 'Alchemy Bowls' which are fusing of Quartz with other precious gemstones and metals. The album features his Aquamarine Alchemy Bowl which fuses Quartz, Copper and 24k Gold, as well as his special Abalone Seashell Alchemy Bowl, tuned to the auspicious frequency of 528hz which is said to be profoundly healing for the Heart and which transmits the power of the ocean. This bowl is featured on the closing song, 'Winged Heart' along with Solfeggio tuning forks tuned to 174hz & 528hz for added healing benefit. The album also features his Moldavite Alchemy Bowl. Moldavite is one of the rarest crystals in the world as it came to Earth on a meteorite in ancient times. It connects us to our 'star-brethren'.
Also featured on the album is the ancient Monochord, an instrument made of 32 strings all tuned to the same note to create a heavenly droning sound. It is said the Monochord was created by the ancient Greek sage and music-master, Pythagoras. The Monochord is featured on the song-prayer 'The Greatest Victory Is Surrender' which is an ode to opening oneself to the creative flow of life.
Darren is a gifted 'song-channeler' and was been singing in tongues since a child. This is a sacred kind of singing where the singer sings a kind of spontaneous sounding language of their own feeling accord. They act as portals for divine energy to come through their voice. This style of singing is employed traditionally by shamans as a means to transmit messages from spiritual realms. Famous examples of such singers are Lisa Gerrard from Dead Can Dance and Jonsi from Sigur Ros who sings sometimes in a language he calls 'Hopelandic'. In the ancient world, singers used to sing in this fashion, merely opening their voice as an expression of sacred sounds rather than words or rehearsed lyricism. This kind of singing speaks directly to the soul and can have magnificent healing effects. Many are reclaiming this style of singing and modern musicologists call it 'idioglossia'.
Each song carries these sacred frequencies being channeled from mystical realms. This is deeply transformative and healing music. Open your heart and soul to be blessed by these divine currents of sound and music and let these songs connect you to our universal source...
released June 13, 2018
All vocals, crystal singing bowl playing and monochord by Darren Austin Hall.
Recorded, produced and mastered at Elecletic Studios in Toronto, Canada by Stephen Bahnesli. Stephen also played the synth on 'Ancient Wisdom'.
'Cosmic Connection': recorded at Enchanted Audio & Visual Arts Studio, Saskatoon. Recording engineer and production by Vladimir Yatsina.
Songs of Source album art done by Rachel Lindover– the tempered radical. As a brand's digital third eye, she's awesome at bringing your visions to life and is always looking to join forces with other conscious capitalists. Website:, Instagram @growing_up_absurd. Art, design, infinity.