Crystal Hymns


Crystal Hymns


Crystal Hymns is my first album of recorded music, featuring my work with the quartz crystal singing bowls and intuitive chanting. Produced by the wonderful Deidrey Francois, this music is perfect for meditation, yoga (especially of the restorative variety), healing work (it's popular among massage therapists for their sessions) and for inspiring a sacred sensibility. Each song is based on a different spiritual intent, as embodied in the title. They were all utterly improvised and inspired recordings with connection to the spiritual. All in all, an extraordinary sound healing tool and example of the artist as primal channel and conduit for the mystical. Check out the magic that happened at the CD release party at the popular Octopus Garden Yoga Centre in Toronto in this short video.

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'Crystal Hymns' comprises seven tracks of meditational/transformational sacred music performed with quartz crystal singing bowls and Darren's profoundly powerful intuitive chanting. Each track embodies a different energetic intention. This album is perfect for meditation, spiritual practice and in accompaniment of yoga. The quartz crystal singing bowls produce beautiful and healing tones that are legendary. Darren has long developed his voice to be a channel for spirit through years of spiritual practice and shamanic trainings. 


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